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Fresh New Ceiling Design Ideas

ceiling design ideasOne of the biggest trends in interior design these days is using faux wood beams and trim to create patterns on an otherwise bland ceiling. Most often, this is done with straight beams, or in a crosshatch pattern. But if you're looking for something really flashy, here are a few new design ideas.

Geometric Shapes

Instead of using perfectly symmetric boxes on your ceiling, consider changing things up with geometric shapes. You can do this by creating individual boxes of varying sizes, along with rectangles, triangles and even open ended Ls. Then, you can secure these shapes to the ceiling by rotating them at different angles to create a pattern that is unique to you. Alternatively, you can start with one central shape, and attach your geometric designs in an outward pattern to form a snowflake.


If you are not sure that the texture of beams and geometric shapes is right for you, consider using faux wood planks for your ceiling design instead. However, instead of running your planks in long straight lines, cut the ends at opposing 45° angles so you can generate a herringbone pattern across the links of your entire ceiling. This will add dimension while keeping the installation simple and straightforward. These are just a few ways that you can change up the ceiling designs that are already becoming popular, and add something fresh to your room. To learn more about these products, contact Volterra Architectural Products online. ]]>

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