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How Does Interior Paneling Work

interior panelingInterior paneling is coming back into favor as young homeowners look for ways to make their houses feel more like homes. It also offers a number of added benefits over plain drywall or other wall materials. Here are a few highlights about interior paneling and how it works.

Made from Durable Materials

If you’ve ever had to patch a hole in drywall, you know that it is not the most durable or resilient material around. By contrast, today’s thin paneling options are made of high density materials that are extremely durable and resistant to damage. When installed over drywall, they can actually protect the drywall underneath and keep your walls looking good without having to constantly patch or repaint.

Easy to Install

Aside from the durability of modern paneling, sheets of paneling are also extremely easy to install when compared to drywall. Most paneling now uses a tongue and groove system or some other overlapping edge that makes it simple to line panels up and then nail them into place in just minutes. You don’t have to worry about sanding, grouting, or filling any holes. If you’re looking for a quick way to dress up your space, you can find paneling in all kinds of different patterns and colors to get the job done over a weekend. You don’t even need a ton of specialized tools to do the job. If you are thinking about using paneling in one or more rooms of your home, we invite you to contact Volterra Architectural Products today and speak with our expert design team. We can help you come up with the best paneling and moulding options to turn your space into a relaxing retreat.]]>

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