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Learning to Layer Trim

Start With a Basic Frame The first step to layering your window and door trim is by creating a basic frame to work off of. Typically, the header piece will be wider than the sides and the footer because this is where more of the detail will appear and you want to draw the eye upward. For instance, a 1x4” piece of wood on the sides and bottom of your window is sufficient, while you will want a 1x6” piece for your header. Think in Three Dimensions You will need to think about the window and door trim. Not just in terms of how far it extends outward from the window or door itself, but also how far it comes off of the wall. Some trim designs are flat against the wall, and simply stack pieces upwards, while the more complex designs feature small pieces of trim layered onto the front of the frame to add depth. Now is the time to decide how simple or complex you want your trim to look. Mind the Edges While your base frame can have square edges, you want to make sure any additional features you have are blended well. Usually this is done by cutting the ends of the cap at an angle. This creates a gentle transition into the wall from the window or the door. Check Out Examples Online If you visit an online gallery of trim products you can usually see how a builder layered different types of trim products together to create a beautifully textured design. This will give you some inspiration as you go. Once you’re familiar with the parts you should be able to see how they fit together to form this exclusive-looking finish. To learn more about trim options available for your windows and doors, check out Volterra’s huge gallery of custom trim products or contact us at 602-258-7373. You can mix and match trim designs that you love to create something uniquely  your own. Plus, you can see some successful trim installations using their collection in real homes.]]>

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