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Reasons to Buy Faux Wooden Beams Directly From the Manufacturer

Traditionally, manufacturers used to only sell their products to wholesale and retail businesses, which is how the general public was able to purchase them. However, thanks to the internet, product manufacturers are far more accessible than ever before. Gone are the days when manufacturers only dealt with contractors, wholesalers, and retailers — there are many strong reasons why individual consumers and businesses prefer to purchase products directly from the manufacturer rather than buying from other outlets. 

When it comes to faux wood beams, decorative trusses, and other polyurethane architectural products, searching for them online will likely present you with numerous results. Of course, you’ll find your local retail stores that sell them, but you will also find they are available online through different e-commerce sites that give you a wide selection of different products to choose from. Many websites selling faux beams are simply distributors who import their products from overseas, or who drop ship from a partner manufacturer.But, have you looked into buying directly from the manufacturer?

Reasons to Buy Faux Wood Beams Directly From the Manufacturer

Volterra Architectural Products is the leading manufacturer of faux wood beams in the United States. Unlike other sellers, the products you find on their website are manufactured by them — there are no distributors, wholesalers or retailers involved. Just like most products, purchasing factory-direct faux wood beams offers multiple benefits. Continue reading to learn more about the advantages of purchasing faux wood beams directly from the manufacturer.

Lower Cost 

Perhaps the most significant advantage of purchasing faux wood beams directly from the manufacturer is that, in most cases, you’ll get them at a better price than you when purchasing from a retailer. When more chains of distribution are involved with these products, the more costly their price will likely be.

Better Service

The team at Volterra are experts in manufacturing faux wood beams and other polyurethane architectural products. They truly know the products best because they see them through each stage of design and production, and are in a great position to provide the best advice to customers that are wanting to make a purchase. Their technical team has a combined 50+ years of experience with construction and manufacturing so they are able to assist with plans, specs and installation questions.

More Products

When you purchase through manufacturers, you will find a much larger stock of products, giving you access to more faux wood beams than the retailers and wholesalers typically have. Having a wider selection makes it easier to find the right beams for your specific projects, especially those specialty or custom wood beams that cannot be found at a retail business.

Custom Options

Another significant benefit of buying directly from a faux wood beam manufacturer like Volterra is that they are better able to serve custom requests and orders. You won’t be able to find custom faux wood beams like arched beams or grand trusses in any retail store. Purchasing directly from the manufacturer means that the products you buy can be customized according to the exact specifications of the space you plan on adding them to. Volterra’s custom faux wood beams are hand-fabricated so each one is unique. They also are available in five signature wood textures and seven stained finishes.

Quicker Delivery

In most cases, purchasing directly from the manufacturer means swift delivery of your order. There are no middle channels involved, which ensures faster delivery time and lower delivery costs, all of which reduces the final overall cost of the beams. 

The benefits of purchasing faux wood beams directly from the manufacturer are clear, profitable, and in your favor. With lower prices, better service, a wider product selection, custom options, and quick delivery, purchasing faux wood beams direct from the manufacturer makes more sense.

If you want to purchase high-quality faux wood beams for your home or business, start by shopping the selection of products from Volterra Architectural Products. Not only are they cost-effective and replicate the natural look of wood. If you need assistance their helpful staff can help you find the best faux wood beams for your space! 



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