Stained Moulding

Use Stained Moulding or Color for Trim

A house that is absent of moulding is unheard of in this day and age. Moulding is practically beneficial for all surfaces of a house. The tops and bottoms of walls become adorned with attractive …

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Phoenix Millwork

Essential Phoenix Millwork for Homes

The interior of a home is never complete without a few subtle additions that both decorate its features and strengthen its functionality. Millwork is often the factor that results in this enhancement, providing practical and …

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Revamping A House

Choose Moulding and Millwork for Revamping a House

When conducting a mass overhaul of the design of a house, the walls, floors, and ceilings are guaranteed to be torn apart for a brand new vision. Tile, wallpaper, paint, and more are all worthy …

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Hardwood Moulding

Hardwood Moulding Fills in the Empty Spaces

A brand new house looks starkly naked, absent of desks, chairs, couches, beds, televisions, and more. The less obvious difference between an empty house and a decorated house is around the tops and bottoms of …

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Curved Architecture

Flex Moulding for Homes with Curved Architecture

Hardwood moulding is a popular fixture in many homes across the country. Applying moulding to homes is both practical and attractive, providing clean and smooth transitions from door to wall, floor to wall, wall to …

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Corbel vs Bracket
What is the difference between a corbel and bracket? If you are looking for a great way to add some character to your home, you should consider using decorative wood corbels or brackets. Both are most …

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Decorative Wood Trim
Moulding and millwork are regular practices for sprucing up a home with essential components that complete the looks of walls, floors, ceilings, doors, and windows. These unique trims make the contrast between these different features …

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Difficult Spots

Crown Molding Angles for Difficult Spots

The process of molding is often one of the final steps in completing the decoration and design of a dream house. Molding fills in the dead space between walls and floors and walls and ceilings, …

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White crown moulding for ceiling of home with top and bottom detail

Different Types of Mouldings

When you start investigating trim or moulding for your home, the large amount of options might surprise you. Moulding goes far beyond the simple baseboards and wall-to-ceiling seams you might have originally considered. Here are …

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Flex Moulding

Flex Moulding in AZ

Have you ever stepped into a nice home and stood in awe at the finished edges all around you? Moulding is one of those items in a home that give a luxurious and finished feel …

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Manufactured Beams

Manufactured Beams Replicate the Look of Natural Wood

Installing wood beams in your home is a beautiful way to add architectural detail to any room. While real wood beams can be expensive and easily damaged over time, installing manufactured beams can be a beautiful and …

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How Fake Ceiling Beams Are Made

With the many benefits of installing fake ceiling beams rather than solid wood, it is no wonder that so many homeowners are taking advantage of this beautiful product. Not only are they lightweight, cost effective, and able …

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